It seems as though as long as USA interests are left alone, nothing much would be done. Or if foreign involvement is bothering US interest then action will be taken as a last resort.
In the war, France lost it's mainland and Britain gained possession of land from North America to Mississippi river.
In the war that was between the Indian people and France, resulted in France losing it's main land possession in the war. This war was fought mainly by the British army and therefore resulted in the increase in territorial expansion of the British people.
British gained land from east coast of North America to the Mississippi river and this was used by Britain for it's own purposes which were mostly economical purposes.
To come to peace you would have to change the mind of almost every powerful person in the countries at war. It would be easier to end the war because it is easier to use force than to use opinion.
the "bad guy" or villan in storys. This charecter is generally the one who causes conflict and is vital to most storys.
When protestors remained peaceful, particularly in the face of aggression and violence, the resulting images shocked a complacent nation into action. But when the protestors themselves turned violent, even in self-defense, the media message shifted from a framing around civil rights to one around the need for control, Wasow finds.