The main purpose of a dike is protecting the land behind it from flooding.
<span>Being one of the greatest mountain range, Himalayas divide mainland China from the Middle East, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the elevated plateau in Central and East Asia. It’s highest peak is placed between Nepal and China which is called Mount Everest - Earth's highest mountain. According to its dimension and the areas which this structure embraces, Himalayas are one of the physical features that keep China as an isolated country.
The Japanese archipelago consists of 6,852 islands but some of them (because of close geographical position and small dimension) are united so that you usually may come across the couple of islands that defined as a whole one. Due to this fact, the most suitable approximate number for this case is 3000, as most of the previous number contains small and inhabited islands.
The climate of Gobi Desert is famous for its rapid and incredible changes of temperature during seasons. These changes are caused by wind blowing from the Siberian Steppes that makes this cold desert totally extreme. The temperature on Gobi ranges from −40 °C or −40 °F in winter to 45 °C or 113 °F in summer. The most unbelievable thing is that this temperature can vary within twenty four hours instead of seasonal periods. So the is 'Extremely cold winters and blistering hot summers'.
Japan is the island nation in Eastern Asia that embraces nearly 6850 islands forming the country. This huge archipelago consists of wide range of small islands including four main ones, which are : Hokkaido,
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. Honshu is the the largest island where the capital city is situated.
Difference between Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy is a government system, in which a representative group of people elected (chosen) by general public - are in power.
a) People elect small group in power, b) Those few <u>public elected</u> people directly exercise power, c) Government positions are open to many people, d) Anyone can run for office - whosoever chosen by public comes in power : are characteristics of representative democracy, not of oligarchy
Oligarchy is a type of government, in which a small group of powerful people (powerful due to wealth, education, religion, military link etc) - are in power & the power tends to stay with them.
Oligarchy is run by a small group of powerful people, <u>not elected</u> by general public. Only those few powerful people exercise direct or indirect power - as they are not public representatives. Government positions are not open to many people, anyone cant run office, as the power tends to stay accumulated in that powerful group's hands.
- Formation: it forms through serpentinization, a geological low-temperature metamorphic process where low-silica mafic and ultramafic rocks are oxidized and hydrolyzed with water into serpentinite.
- Characteristics: rich in magnesium and water, light to dark green, greasy-looking and slippery feeling. It can resist the transfer of heat. A source of asbestos, architectural stone, ornamental stone, gem material
- Minerals present: it follows the formula (X)2-3(Y)2O5(OH)4 where X can be magnesium, iron, nickel, aluminum, zinc, or manganese; and, Y will be silicon, aluminum, or iron.
Green Schist
- Formation: they form by regional metamorphism of mafic igneous rocks through depth of burial, and proximity to batholiths.
- Characteristics: The green is due to abundant green chlorite
- Minerals present: actinolite and epidote mainly, but they can also include quartz, orthoclase, talc, carbonate minerals, and amphibole.
Basalt Pillow
- Formation: it forms when lava of basaltic compositions erupted underwater. The rapid cooling of the lava forms the pillow-shaped bodies.
- Characteristics: they are volcanic igneous rocks, very dark, almost black color.
- Minerals present: Basalt has a lower percentage of silica and a higher percentage of iron and magnesium than other volcanic rocks.
- Formation: it develops in Cyprus massive sulfide deposits.
- Characteristics: is not one precise color, but a range of different colors, from medium to dark, from yellowish to reddish to grayish depending on the iron oxide and manganese in the clay
- Minerals present: contains iron oxide and manganese oxide and sulfide precipitates like pyrite.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!