The French subject pronouns are: je (j'), tu, il, elle, on in the singular, and nous, vous, ils, elles in the plural. To say you in French, use tu if you are talking to one person you know well or to a young person.
I'm assuming this is a true/false question, in which case it would be false. correct would be En Alaska, en décembre, vous avez froid.
idk tbh
hjictuhdhebsjdgsbznudvansusvvsjsjzbsbanajuzhwbsusuwLiz flips a coin 70 times. The coin lands heads up 49 times and tails up 21 times. Complete each statement. The theoretical probability of the coin landing heads up is what%.jeLiz flips a coin 70 times. The coin lands heads up 49 times and tails up 21 times. Complete each statement. The theoretical probability of the coin landing heads up is what%.haisuwhw
- gajabwhwihdhsueyshuwidhshjwish sh aidu8syehsjs8euheusi su rgeheidjsizbdbzgandugs zk zoo rbdnnzjzjdhhshsnnszjzhxusushsbzhjzhzhznsbausushsushshsnsbebveveveYushebsuwbehshdbshxgg sc gegsyushsnshhshsnabshbshhsbsbzbsjhehshhshh se hshhshdhhdbbshdheghehhd hejevvsggshsbabshbevvsgbevsybdhehrvhdhbdvhs7enwbyshs
1. Nous venons avec notre famille.
2. Elles retiennent leurs chiens.
3. Tu maintiens de bonnes notes.
4. Il tient la main de maman.
5. Vous devenez chefs de cuisine.
6. Je reviens pour le dîner.
Have a good day ! :-)