Answer: Algunas publicaciones le atribuyen erróneamente a Hrdlička haber postulado la teoría más moderna, aquella que señala que el hombre cruzó caminando por una zona llamada puente de Beringia formado a raíz del descenso del nivel de las aguas del estrecho de Bering, durante el último período glacial.
One of the most important innovations of the British Agricultural Revolution was the development of the Norfolk four-course rotation, which greatly increased crop and livestock yields by improving soil fertility and reducing fallow.
New York was named after Charles II and James II dominate the British Colonies which laid an impact on America.
The British king Charles II took control over Dutch colony New Netherland in the Second Anglo-Dutch war as a result of English settlement.
He handed over the colony to James who later renamed it as New York in the honour of Charles.
With his dominance over the British Colonies and good administration James II laid an impact on remaking of North America.
well...they were still called automobiles, however big industries like Ford Cars were around back then.