In stave one, Ebenezer Scrooge is depicted as an extremely cold, callous businessman who is insensitive, cold-hearted, and miserly
this is the only answer that remotely fits.
Palomar observatory is in California and also Hale telescope is there and it was once the largest telescope in the world.
Chinatown in San Francisco.
The setting of a story can be the geographical location, time period, or anything that can tell the readers about the location of the scenes. This provides the backdrop for the scenes that will happen and also acts as an added detail to the story.
Amy Tan's "Rules of the Game" is set in <em>"San Francisco's Chinatown"</em>, with the narrator explicitly stating that out in the third paragraph of the story. The story revolves around a Chinese-American girl named Waverly and her family, and the efforts to be at par with American life.