an direct object is the thing being acted upon by the verb.
the object of a preposition is a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that follows a preposition and completes its meaning. The object of a preposition is in the objective case. A word group made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers is called a prepositional phrase.
The way characters are described
The situations in which the characters interact
Dialogue between characters
Conflicts within and between characters
Characters are first developed by how they are described. They are not going to throw a character with no description into a book. They will say, a skinny, lanky kid named George was frighted by the dark. This character is fearful of the dark and he may not be that strong for a skinny, lanky kid. Situations where they interact are important because of how they react and respond to another person. For example, Samantha liked Steven so she acted shyly, but confident around him. When she interacts with Steven, it shows that she is not scared or choked up, but confident and shy with him. Dialogue is important because of what they say and how they say it. For example, I asked Duke a question and he snarled at me, "figure it out yourself." This shows that Duke is not the best to talk to at the moment, so he must be easily agitated. Conflicts are important because it shows how they were before, during, and how they became after. It shows the before and after of their character, for example, George was afraid of the dark, but then as he got a flashlight, he was able to use it if he thought something was there. After using it numerous times, he realized nothing was there and he did not need it anymore. You him when he was scared, helped with, and then not scared.
Snowball wanted that every animal on the farm be treated the same, no matter the size, or what type they were. He exectued his plans in a way that every animal did their own share of work, and were rewarded for doing such. Napoleon also had this same idea, but was eventually corrupted with the luxuries of the house. Napoleon eventually started to work the animals just like the farmer had done. This reflects their differing goals because it shows the true nature of each character - Snowball, the ready leader. And Napoleon, the corrupted ruler who eventually turned on what was once his views.
to a dear brother,
this letter, which will talk about the 3 reasons I like my friend, goes to you because you wanted to know why.
First of all, my friend is a truly supportive person who has never judged me for what I do or find interest in, this is something that makes me elated and truly thankful. Secondly I am sure I am able to rely on my friend no matter the problem, or how big it is; And lastly, my friend has made me smile on the worst occasions and has always been there to brighten my worst days.
I hope you understand why i cherish and like my friend now.
Your sibling.