After World War II, much of Europe was devastated and needed to be rebuilt. However the countries had no money because they spent it all during the war. No taxes could be collected because the people were poor and had hardly anything to eat. The United States at this time was the richest nation in the world. Although Russia was an ally during the war against Germany, the relationship changed after the war and it was feared that unless Western Europe rise quickly again, it would fall into communist hands. The United States came up with the Marshall Plan and offered to help the European countries to recover from the effects of the war. Russia and its allies turned down the offer of assistance. The Marshall plan was a success and all the countries who accepted help recovered.
The shogunate was the hereditary military dictatorship of Japan (1192–1867). Legally, the shogun answered to the emperor, but, as Japan evolved into a feudal society, control of the military became tantamount to control of the country.
His vision of the colony as a Puritan "<u>city upon a hill</u>" dominated New England colonial development, influencing the governments and religions of neighboring colonies.
John Winthdrop had a vision that the new colony would be a common wealth, a community in which people work together for the good of the whole.
Side Note:
I'm sorry that I couldn't answer the second question, but I hope this helps.
Battles would be unlikely because they use 15 hour shifts to protect them.