How is poetry different than prose? Poetry doesn't allow an author to use the full range of language. Prose allows an author to
use all of the common writing styles. Poetry allows the writer more freedom to use imagery, rhythm, and literary devices. Prose doesn't allow an author to use the full range of literary devices.
3rd choice Poetry is condensed and restrictive in the sense that the number of words is limited. This means that every word must mean more than one thing, and it is the poet's job to find just the perfect words -- perfect in sound, meaning, and structure. This concept gives poetry its layers of meaning. Prose is free-er. It does not concern itself much on the way it sounds and the way it looks on the page the way poetry does.
isolation is when weak or unhealthy people are being separated from the strong ones.
quarintine is when u are being placed at a particular place with all the sick people but isolation is when u are being moved from being quarintine because your illness is very severe