Through a two-day training, aspiring migrant workers receive useful information about the host country, its rules and regulations, traffic laws, labour laws and local culture and traditions, among others. The training aims to make their stay at the workplace and in the host country safe and easy.
- "The legislative branch is in charge of making laws. It is made up of the Congress and several Government agencies. Congress has two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are voted into office by American citizens in each state."
The term parenting style can be described as the way in which one interacts with, sets limits for, and provides guidance to children.
Reducing toxic hazardous waste
can be done through bioremediation. An example is composting. Composting is the
use of microorganisms in the presence of oxygen to degrade the toxic wastes
present in the soil. It may be placed in a container with holes on it and can
be rotated to allow oxygen to interact with the microorganisms and degrade the
wastes. Superfund is a program from EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) that helps in cleaning some of the US’s most contaminated land and
responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills and natural disasters. One
of its targets this coming June 8 is the Portland Harbor.
C - 'cause the society is industrializing and needs factory workers