How is Krishna depicted? The most common representation of Krishna shows him playing the flute and surrounded by adoring gopis, the wives and daughters of the cowherds. As a child, Krishna is depicted crawling on his hands and knees or dancing with joy, a ball of butter held in his hands.
Falling Action. It goes exposition (the explanation), rising action (the events that lead up to the character achieving his goals), the climax, the falling action (when the goal has been met and the plot is wrapping up), and the resolution (a type of "they lived happily ever after" and is truly finishing up everything).
Which book.
First one, she impressed them with her amazing shot by shooting the apple, and it was unique because it was risky. She in a way, called them out for their lack of attention, which is an attitude few tributes have.
Second one wasn’t so unique because it was similar to peetas, but again she called them out for killing (no spoilers).
A. Purpose
I believe this is purpose because she is writing to argue that distributing medicine to rural parts of the world was worth doing.
c. She is cold and unforgiving
Elizabeth is suspicious that John has resumed his affair with Abigail so John is angry that Elizabeth is accusing him of being dishonest.