Dramatic monologue means self-conversation, speech or talks which includes interlocutor presented dramatically. It means a person, who is speaking to himself or someone else speaks to reveal specific intentions of his actions.
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In the story "Rules of the Game" by Amy Tan's the conflict is mainly external, man vs. man or, more like daughter vs. mother. Waverly and her mother seem to never understanding each other's and how they both feel. That is very clear toward the end of the story, when the mother proudly introduces Waverly to everyone, even strangers, on the street. Waverly is a sort of child prodigy, a chess genius, and her mother can't help but display her. It does not sit right with Waverly that she is being exhibited. So it makes since that she would be reacting in a way that is disrespectful and offensive, to her mother.
The main idea of the memoir "Gumption" is that motivation is kind of like gumption which is also the theme of the story. The author goes into this meaning within the story. His mother motivates him for everything he does and tells the main character not to give up in any chance saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." This quote creates the main idea of the whole story. This quote is a huge motivation for the author. Also, another motivating quote is when she said, "Buddy, maybe you could be a writer." That is also an encouragement which all goes back and connects with the main idea and theme "never give up."