B. P waves can travel through liquids
P waves or primary waves are elastic waves produced from an earthquake. They are the first waves that arrives a Seismic station when an earthquake disturbs the earth.
P and S waves are both body waves that moves within the earth.
P- waves travel faster than S- waves and can propagate through any medium. S-waves or Secondary waves are shear waves that can only propagate through soilds.
Both waves are longitudinal and moves parallel to their source of propagation. They move by disturbing other particles in their line.
Transverse waves are the love and rayleigh waves. They are both surface waves that travels and cause disturbance on the surface of the earth during an earthquake. They move up and down.
The real observations are:
Moon rises in east, sets in west each day.
stars circle daily around north or south celestial pole
Positions of nearby stars shift slightly back and forth each year.
A distance galaxy rises in east, sets in west each day.
We sometimes see a crescent Jupiter.
Mercury it can seen from the Earth but no it phases.
Moon is seen in all parts of the Earth, the only difference is that in north pole the stars moves parallel to the horizon.
By the rotation of Earth the relative position of stars changes a little bit.
In the north pole a galaxy can be observed and in the south pole 2 galaxies.
Jupiter is one of the planets that can be seen from Earth in some seasons and it changes the position due to the rotation of planets around the sun.
A planet beyond Saturn is not possible to be observed from Earth just with the naked eye.
Energi listrik disalurkan melalui Saluran Udara Tegangan Menengah (SUTM dan SKTM). 6. Energi listrik diturunkan tegangannya melalui trafo di Gardu Distribusi (GADIS). 7. Energi listrik disalurkan melalui Saluran Udara Tegangan Rendah (SUTR dan SKTR). 8. Energi listrik disalurkan ke rumah-rumah dan gedung-gedung.
crops and other important food sources are processes and put into cereals.