<span>After reading about both Beowulf and what Emerson’s ideas of what a hero are, I believe that</span>Emerson would consider Beowulf to be a hero. This is because Beowulf has qualities that<span>Emerson considers heroic, such as having a warlie attitude towards e!ternal evils, being</span><span>confident, not worr"ing about the difficult" or safet" of his tas, and being undaunted in his</span><span> #ursuit of evil. Beowulf is shown to have a warlie attitude towards e!ternal evils because he</span><span>says he will defeat Grendel because he is an evil monster that is killing innocent</span><span>people. His Condence is shown by him wanting to defeat the monster by its own</span>means. Beowulf is unfazed by the tales of the strength of Grendel and does not fear<span>for his own safety and only seeks to protect the people than Grendel hurts, this</span><span>shows that he does not worry about the diculty or safety of his tasks. !nd lastly,</span>Beowulf is undaunted because even after hearing of the horrible things that Grendelhas done and seeing them rst"hand, Beowulf is still condent in his ability to<span>defeat him.</span>