This question involved Latin.
Ostendere : Ostensible :: (D) Videre : Introspection
I arrived in THE USA
Flew over THE alps
Quick stopover at London
We left for New York
THE time on board wasn’t boring
Films to watch on THE monitor
THE people on THE plane were all Italians
We saw THE Statue of Liberty, Eillis island and THE Empire State Building
THE hotel I stayed at was on the corner of 42nd street and 5th avenue.
I don’t like THE hotels here very much but I didn’t have time to rent an apartment
helping students read for understanding is the central goal of reading instruction. Comprehension is a complex process involving the text, the reader, the situation, and the purpose for reading.
must instruct students to decode well
need to read and reread easy texts often so that decoding becomes rapid, easy, and accurate.
The teacher understands the importance of reading for understanding, knows the components and processes of reading comprehension, and teaches students strategies for improving their comprehension, including using a variety of texts and contexts
through strategic scaffolding, teachers can guide students to practice and apply specific reading strategies in their independent reading.
In guided practice, teachers provide support and resources. Scaffolding learners with guided support means working within their zone of proximal development or what the students can do with the help of a peer or adult.
In independent practice, students have opportunities to apply the skills and strategies they learned during modeling and guided practice. In independent practice, students practice reading skills with text that is at their instructional and independent reading level.
hope this helps!
It helps and ensures the child does not feel suspicious