He was a good spy and he was theone who brought christnity up that made alot of people like him
Supporters of the Virginia Plan included James Madison, George Washington, Edmund Randolph, and the states of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
1st Amendment- If I didn't have the ability to speak freely, I wouldn't be able to have an opinion causing me to not be the person I am today.
2nd Amendment- Having no possibility of having bare arms would make me feel like I'd have no possibility of protection if I ever choose to have a gun in my possession.
4th Amendment- For people to rummage as they please in my home because they are in the power of authority terrifies me. You must have a reason that's by law reasonable which makes all feel safe on the front and end of the line.
The level of education and vast possession of knowledge. The scholars of Timbuktu were very learned that Kings at the time called them to settle disputes. A manuscript was recently found in Timbuktu. It was on algebra which was translated to French and taken to France for study. The result indicated that it would be a material that would be taught today in second level of University Education.
The people of Timbuktu were exceptionally educated even by today's standards. Though religious studies was a part of what they studied but they made sure to study everything they find.
Such a historic center of learning cannot be replaced.