Correct option is A. Dime novels, known in nineteenth-century England
as "penny dreadfuls," flourished because increased mechanization of printing and increased literacy rates made production of large numbers of these books profitable.
The sentence is correct as is: it has a sound structure with no grammatical errors. "Increased mechanization" corresponds with "increased literacy rates" thus maintaining the structure of the sentence. A is the best answer.
the reintroduction of the Olympic Games the establishment of Darwin’s theory of natural selection the publication of dime novels and penny dreadfuls the discovery of the link between germs and disease
To learn more about penny dreadfuls from given link
Answer: 4.5kg = 9.9208lbs
4.5kg = 158.733oz
(5,4) simply substitute the values in! they work :) hope it helped
The slope of a line is defined as rise by run i.e.
how much y value changes with respect to the
change in × value. So the slope gives the
steepness of the line.
Slope O indicates there is no change in y when
the x value is changed and so the line with
slope 0 is a horizontal line. A line with slope 1
shows with 1 unit change in ×, y changes by 1
unit. Likewise slope equal 2 indicates with 1 unit
change in ×, y changes by 2 units.
We can see as the absolute value of slope is
increasing, the change in y with respect to x is
increasing i.e. the line is becoming more tilted or
Hence, we can conclude that:
The graph of a line gets Steeper as the absolute
value of the slope gets bigger.
C is the correct answer.
Step-by-step explanation: