Pastoralism<span> is the branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock. </span>
Madison defines a faction as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community."
To restrict the conflict with the Native Indian.
James Oglethorpe established Georgia as a colony in North America in the 1730s. He was able to establish a colony after receiving a charter given by King George II.
James Oglethorpe has insisted on limiting the amount of land by settlers for several reasons.
When the English settlers came Georgia they found Yamacraw Indians inhabiting the place. The Yamacraw Indians were the inhabitants of the region before the arrival of settlers. Oglethorpe was well aware of the greediness of pioneers in the New World and the conflicts it followed, which resulted in destruction and deaths on both sides. To avoid conflicts and war with the Native Indians was one of the reasons to limit the amount of land. During Oglethorpe presence in Georgia, colonists maintained a favourable relation which helped them in conduction trade and to establish diplomatic connections without breaking the peace.
Answer: Both the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution created a Bill of Rights. The Glorious Revolution created the English Bill of Rights while the American Revolution created the U.S. Bill of Rights. The Glorious Revolution also created a constitutional monarchy, unlike the American Revolution.
Explanation: The Glorious Revolution has been dubbed the "Bloodless Revolution" as it is the only revolution that was completely peaceful. The French Revolution was the exact opposite: it was the bloodiest revolution with the largest death toll. Thousands of French people guillotined.