After his return to India he started practice as a lawyer at first in the High Court at ... From 1893 till 1913 Gandhiji practised in South Africa.
Tt had replaced its governor, Sam Houston, who had refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy.
People were moving from rural areas to urban areas is mainly due to increasing unemployment , poverty , low wages , small size of land holdings in rural areas.people move to cities for better job ,civic and health facilities.
others were forced to migrate when natural disasters like flood , Strom ,drought occurred in villages which destroyed Thier houses and property.
Generally, when not engaged in combat, soldiers in the Continental Army served three duties: fatigue or manual labor, such as digging vaults (latrines), clearing fields, or erecting fortifications. They also served on guard duty and drilled daily with their musket and in marching formations.
The Revolutionary War split the people of the American colonies into two groups: the loyalists and the patriots.
Physical labour is that in which the labourer has to undergo a great deal of physical exertion. 1. Mental labour involves a lot of intellect of an individual.
physical labour:
Rickshaw pullers, cobblers, tailors, weavers, iron-smiths are examples of physical labour.
mental labour:Teachers, accountants, doctors, managers etc., are good examples of mental labours.