Read Below! I have written a statement for both positions, so you can see from both perspectives.
1) Student privacy is more important that student safety.
Students in school have the right to maintain privacy over their lives and belongings. It would be an infringement on their rights as humans, to deprive them of their personal privacy. Students who possess certain sensitive objects, such as medical supplies, or personal information, should not be subjected to their lives being an open book to complete strangers. We must people the rights of our students first!
2) Student safety is more important than student privacy.
Saving lives should always come before student privacy. Though it may seem unpleasant, the safety of children and students is far more important. Everyday, parents send their children to school, in hopes that everything is being done to bring their child home safely at the end of the day. Why should any child have to live in fear of being killed in their own learning environment? No matter the cost, we should constantly strive to protect students, even if it means a little less privacy.