mouth , easophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, rectum
Blood is a specialized body fluid. It has four main components:
- plasma,
- red blood cells,
- white blood cells,
- and platelets.
Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
A. Greater accumulation of chapparal biomass...
Due to more wet conditions, the precipitation of that specific area remains higher than normal for a slightly long period increased parallel to the amount of precipitation. Due to this time slippage, algae, fungi and other biomass enhancing organism flourish very easily. They were dormant in normal winter but the slight time increase increases the biomass to a greater extend as you think. That make the fires to become more severe because of presence of mere organic biomass...
If you don't ingest enough amino acids you would have difficulties
synthesizing protein. Basically, there are 20 of them in the genetic
code and they build into everything because they are combined into
proteins. They are the second most found molecule in our body after
water, and you need a lot of them. If you don't get them your body won't
have enough protein and you can die if it becomes too extreme.
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