The writers of 1920s were known as the lost generation due to them being the post WW1 generation. Cultural, moral and spiritual values were lost as well as hatred towards others. In addition, writers from that era tender to focus on self rather than the world as around them.
Unfortunately, you didn't share any following reasons so that someony could choose the correct one, but I am pretty sure that I can help you and name the main factor. Definitely, the point which caused a decrease in the size of the armed forces at the end of the cold war is that the US promised to decrease its armed forces as part of the peacetime agreement. I bet it will help you!
During the reparations period, Germany received between 27 and 38 million marks in which the United States, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland served. In addition, a loan of 800 million marks was to be raised (where more than 50 percent was from the United States, 25 percent in Britain and the balance of other European nations) to support the German currency and help in the payment of The repairs.
creating a network of homes
The answer is b need 20 characters