Nebuchadnezzar II was the most famous and important king of the Chaldean Empire. He ascended the throne in 605 BC. He was a great builder, conducted successful military campaigns, His great accomplishment was his palace - used for administrative, religious, ceremonial especially the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
The Chaldeans were the migrants to Mesopotamia and were not powerful than the Assyrians and the Babylonians who had established themselves in Mesopotamia. They later associated themselves to the Assyro - Babylonian culture after the fall of Babylonia in 539 BCE. The Chaldeans often ruled as their vassals with no important power. With the establishment of power by Nabopolassar, the founder of the Chaldean Empire and the father of Nebuchadnezzar II, the Chaldeans established their rule in Mesopotamia. The Chaldeans became even more powerful under Nebuchadnezzar II. The sources about him are also mentioned in the Bible, book of Daniel and in those inscriptions found in Mesopotamia. Though the Bible is not favourable to him, the people of Mesopotamia praise him as a great king. By 572 BC, he was in full control of Babylonia, Chaldea, Aramea, Phonecia, Israel, Judah, Philistia, Samarra, Jordan, northern Arabia, and parts of Asia Minor. History remembers him as a great king and the creator of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which is among the seven wonders of the world.
Since the Civil Rights Movement, we have made strides to remove redlining, segregation laws, and other errors in diversity movements of the past. An example of a growth since the Civil Rights Movement would be the workplace discrimination act, stating that businesses may not turn down possible employees due to race, disability, age, gender, or ethnicity. However, in terms of race, we still have far to go. In criminal justice reform, in stereotyping, and in the display we have of diversity in media today are just a few places in which race reforms are needed. For example, there are very few kids shows which include a black character as the main character. This is harmful, as black children grow up seeing white people as the heroes and black people as the background characters, never the active participants in the protagonist story line. Education reforms in inner cities have been proven to greatly aid black success as lower income areas tend to attract teachers which are not as prepared as those in higher income, traditionally white neighborhoods thanks to the remnants of redlining in the Jim Crowe era. We have removed obvious race problems since the Civil Rights movement such as the poll tax, grandfather clause, and the literacy tests, but this is the tip of the iceberg in removing underlying systematic oppression which is not actively put in place today to harm those of non-Caucasian groups.
This is a highly debated topic, and your teacher may be wanting your opinion which may or may not align with mine. I tried to provide as many examples on both sides as I could in a concise answer and I hope this helped!
"Spain" decided to gamble on Christopher Columbus new and radical route to the east by sailing west
The kingdom of Spain had decided to gamble on the long sail which will move across the unknown ocean. They did to get back the gold as well as spices, they have also been promised the Columbus that they will 10% of the profit, along with the governorship over the newfound lands. and they have also famed that it would go with the new title Admiral of the Ocean sea.