b) They also think that online learning provides students an opportunity to develop technology skills that may be valuable for their future careers.
Online learning's flexibility and interactivity increase students' employability and prepare professors for the digital age. Some say it's better than the classroom.
To help the reader picture the separation between Grand Isle and the coast of Louisiana.
Kate Chopin's "The Awakening" revolves around the story of Edna Pontellier, a woman, and her desire of living her true self and being free to do that. The story deals with themes of independence, feminism, identity, freedom, etc.
The given passage is from the first chapter of the story where the narrator reveals the scene of the cottage at Grand Isle. The Pontelliers had come to the holiday spot to get away from New Orleans for a few days. And when the narrator reveals that the <em>"paper"</em> is a day old and that the <em>"Sunday papers had not yet reached Grand Isle"</em>, we can know that there is some distance between Grand Isle and New Orleans.
Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.
We take tests every day.
Today we are doing a project.
Ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing his credability. Pathos is appealing to the reader by the author "pulling at the readers heart strings." This means he is illiciting emotions in the reader. Logos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing logic in his argument. These stratagies are used by all authors, not just historical fiction writers.