Im writing an essay on the question "Who was the United States best President?" Im not trying to be rude but I dont want some am
ature going over this and I will add 100 points to this so it's worth the time to go over.
(Admins please remove any trolls that comment on this to steal the points)
(P 1) For the most part, America has been a country that anybody could become anything they want with pure drive, motivation, and hard work.How ever part of this privilege is achieved by the work of the united state's presidents. For the best president in my opinion I'm going to be focusing on more recent presidents that have dealt with serious problems such as civil liberties, wars, or domestic and foreign terrorism that people have have experienced in this lifetime. Presidents such as George Bush, John Kennedy, and Dwight Eisenhower have came to mind but one stood out most and I will be comparing him to some of our most important presidents such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.
(P 2) I believe President Ronald Reagan is one of the United State's best presidents in recent history because of his attitude towards foreign threats and attacks to domestic soil. Ronald Reagan and George Washington knew how powerful other countries are and both of them had very powerful enemies to deal with during their presidency. Both Reagan and Washington served in the military so they both knew what it was like for soldiers. When Reagan and washing ton were dealing with their enemies the USSR, and Great Britain, they knew they weren't to be pushed around. They wanted America to be successful with their attacks on their foreign enemies.
(P 3) Both Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln were republicans who believed in the power of the american people. During the presidency of Abraham Lincoln he had to deal with one of the biggest problems in America's history, Slavery. Even though Lincoln wasn't necessarily against slavery he new that as a United States President it was his duty to abolish it. However Reagan didn't have so much of a civil issue, he had more of a foreign issue. The Cold War was the major issue that Reagan had to deal with. Communism was a massive problem and if it wasn't stopped the Soviet Union would attempt to conquer the world. Reagan knew that he had to act fast to make sure the USSR's power wouldn't overcome America's. Reagan's quick actions helped end the cold war and put the Soviet's to an end. (P 4) Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan were men of religion. They both believed that if freedom of religion happened to be removed from this country, the entire country would start to prune to mere evil. When writing the declaration of independence Thomas Jefferson, among other things, had religion in mine because he knows that it's a base to fall back to when someone is low. Reagan and Jefferson believed there was a supernatural force outside of our world however Jefferson believed it would not interfere with our world. Either way it's not important to their individual believes, what is important is how they made sure the right of the American people had their freedom religion was strong from both Presidents.
(P 5) So in my opinion I believe President Ronald Reagan is the best United States President in recent history. I believe that without Reagan's Courage and Actions we as Americans might have not won the Cold War.
That was my rough draft and am waiting to finalize my final essay. Can I get honest criticism on what I did wrong, and/or what I can improve.
I like the answer the best president. He did accomplish a lot and that makes him a very successful president but there really isn't a right answer. It's an opinion which most likely many will agree with. But you don't have to write "in my opinion" over and over. It's better not to repeat.
Not sure about the genre. But i definatley think you should use google slides! gret fot instructional things. also its easy toimport pictures and videos.
statement that best explains how Neil de Grasse Tyson’s “Death by Black Hole”
and Billy Collins’s “Man Listening to Disc” present differing views about the
universe would be choice letter c, “Collins’s poem puts forth the idea that
humans can become the center of the universe, while Tyson reveals that humans
are insignificantly small and weak in comparison to a black hole.<span>”</span></span>
because of the following characteristic: It isn't built from specific rhyme metrics. ... Therefore, the characteristic that makes "Song of Myself" a free verse poem is its lack of rhymes that follow a metric.