Under the ocean is wet and in continents its dry
The HDI (Human Development Index) considers three main dimensions to evaluate the development of a country:
1. Long and healthy life of its citizens
2. Education.
3. Standard of living.
1. Long and healthy life
The long and healthy life dimension is measured by life expectancy at birth. The life expectancy at birth is a statistical measure that an average individual is expected to live based on certain demographic factors such as the year of birth and current age.
2. Education
This is a second dimension in the HDI. The indicators of education are the expected years of schooling and the mean years of schooling. According to the UN, the average maximum years of schooling is 18 years, while the mean maximum years of schooling is 15 years.
3. Standard of living
The standard of living is usually measured by the gross national income (GNI) per capita. The GNI indicates the total domestic and foreign output created by the residents of a certain country.
Bushfires in Australia are a widespread and regular occurrence that have contributed significantly to moulding the nature of the continent over millions of years.
Seafloor spreading occurs along mid-ocean ridges large mountain ranges rising from the ocean floor.
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, for instance, separates the North American plate from the Eurasian plate, and the South American plate from the African plate.
Option (2)
The mid oceanic ridge is the region along which two plates moves away from one another. This occurs in the divergent plate boundary. The magma, during this type of plate motion, comes out to the surface of the ocean floor and solidifies immediately due to the lowering temperature, giving rise to the formation of basaltic rocks.
The solidification age refers to the time when the magma last crystallized as it ejected at the ocean floor.
According to the given condition, the magma last solidified nearly 10,000 years back in the mid oceanic ridge, which are considered to be the youngest rocks found along the mid oceanic ridge.
Thus, the correct answer is option (2).