After the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the balance of power in North America changed a lot. Before the treaty, there was only one hegemonic power in North America: Britain, with only a few remaining areas dominated by Spain and France.
After the Treaty was signed, Britain lost its most populated and developed colonies, and a new political actor, the United States, emerged.
Jackson--his presidency was marked by the Indian Removal Act and forced migration of the Cherokee people.
Jackson supported the right of white men to land access in the Southeast. Though the Cherokee had assimilated, owned land, and had created a democratic government they were still not white and therefore not fully accepted by the American people or society. Jackson supported Georgia's efforts to relocate the Cherokee which led to the Trail of Tears and relocation to Indian Territory now the state of Oklahoma.
Event: First Olympiad
Date/Year: 776 BCE
The first Olympiad was conducted in 776BCE in honour of Zeus, the major sporting events are footrace, a javelin contest, and later wrestling matches were added.
Based on legend, the founder of the Olympic Games was Herakles (Hercules). Olympiad now known as Olympic in English language, is now a big events, in which all the countries in the world participated andit it contains some interesting sporting events.
Alexander Hamilton believed in larger goverment, Thomas believed the opposite.