the 2nd one
to establish cattle ranches
The Anabaptists were a radical religious group, the name Anabaptist means "one who baptizes again". Their persecutors named them this, referring to the practice of baptizing persons when they converted or declared their faith in Christ, even if they had been baptized as infants.
Hope this clears thing up a bit.
A federal republic
The official definition of India on government websites is that the country is a Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system. It has a federal structure with unitary characteristics. The president is the head of the state , and a prime minister elected by Parliament is the head of government
Susan B. Anthony was a social reformer and women's rights activist who devoted her time to the women's suffrage movement.
Congress Responds
Most moderate Republicans in Congress supported the president's proposal for Reconstruction because they wanted to bring a swift end to the war, but other Republicans feared that the planter aristocracy would be restored and the blacks would be forced back into slavery.