Machine noises—honk, beep, vroom, clang, zap, boing.
Animal names—cuckoo, whip-poor-will, whooping crane, chickadee.
Impact sounds—boom, crash, whack, thump, bang.
Sounds of the voice—shush, giggle, growl, whine, murmur, blurt, whisper, hiss.
<em>The Lord of the Flies</em> was published in 1954, a few years after the end of World War II, and it was highly influenced by Golding's first-hand experience of the conflict - he had fought in it as a naval officer. In spite of the novel's pessimistic, yet sadly realistic, tone, its aim, I believe, is to stress the defects of humanity with the ultimate goal of encouraging it to improve and be kinder and more considerate. Hence the cultural relevance of this idea in the 1950s, when the world was still recovering from the largest and most terrible war in history, and it was necessary to remind its inhabitants of the importance of showing benevolence, compassion, disposition, and generosity, in other words, humanity, and of the dramatic consequences of not doing so, even through such bitter and harsh reminders as Golding's novel.
It’s very simple, look into the second paragraph to observe the literary terms and then you will see that
Eye of Heaven. This is a metaphor that refers to the sun. The phrase "too hot the eye of heaven shines" means the heat of the sun is too much. The symbolism is relative to the sun being round with rays that look like an eye and heaven refers to something in the sky that you look up to.