We get the same answer from both processes.In the end, it is a multiplication process. In partial product we take the values of ones, tens, hundreds in each step and then add them together. In regrouping same thing happens but we do not break them down to processes.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Partial products we multiply the numbers partially and add them together to get the answer. It is easier to explain with an example, lets say we multiply 47 by 3
1) 47
2) 47
120 (
3) 3 8
In Regrouping we add the partial products to the next tens,hundreds and so on. We don not write them down and then add later. Lets take the same example and do the multiplication with Regrouping method.
1)2 --------> (
write the number in tenth place here)
__1 --------> (
write the number in ones place here)
141 (
then add the 2 above to get 14)
We get the same answer from both processes.In the end, it is a multiplication process. In partial product we take the values of ones, tens, hundreds in each step and then add them together. In regrouping same thing happens but we do not break them down to processes.