shah Reza Pahlavi
He went to seek refuge after the revolution due to the people being against him.
Slaves were forbidden to leave the owner's property unless they were accompanied by a white person or had permission so in other words to keep them in check.
Two or more dependable sources that record the same event using the same facts is needed to establish historical accuracy.
Artifacts can be open to interpretation because historians need to figure out what they are & what they mean about life in the time they were made.
Although primary sources are helpful, they are not indisputable because one person cannot completely confirm an event. Consider what would happen if future historians only used a conspiracy theorist's journal to figure out what life in our current time is like.
Religious documents often record fictional events.
<u>Two or more dependable sources is the right answer because more resources mean that something is more likely to be true.</u>
Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Voting Rights Act was adopted in 1965. It is fundamental in the history of federal legislation in the field of protection of the rights of citizens.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-110)) became one of the most significant acts of federal law, guaranteeing equal suffrage for US citizens regardless of race or color. Despite the fact that the previous Civil Rights Laws of 1957, 1960, and 1964 contained rules on the protection of electoral rights, they, in the words of Attorney General N. Katzenbach, had only a “minimal effect,” especially in comparison with the “direct and dramatic” effect of the Voting Rights Act. Indeed, in the first four years after its adoption, more than a million black voters were registered, including more than 50% of the black electorate in the southern states.