1. Tomo
2. Tomas
3. Tomo
4. Tomo
5. Tomamos
6. Estudian
7. Estudiamos
8. Estudia
9. Estudia
In this activity we have to complete the conversation in the picture using the verbs in brackets and the appropriate conjugation.
All the verbs are in Present Indicative tense, which is used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts. In the case of this conversation is used to talk about habitual actions and routines, as they are discussing which classes they take this semester.
1. <em>Tomo </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Tomar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 1st person singular <em>Yo </em>(I)
2. <em>Tomas </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Tomar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 2nd person singular <em>Tú </em>(You)
3. <em>Tomo </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Tomar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 1st person singular <em>Yo </em>(I)
4. <em>Tomo </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Tomar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 1st person singular <em>Yo </em>(I)
5. <em>Tomamos </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Tomar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 1st person plural <em>Nosotros </em>(We).
6. <em>Estudian </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Estudiar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 2nd person plural <em>Ustedes </em>(You)
7. <em>Estudiamos </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Estudiar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 1st person plural <em>Nosotros </em>(We)
8. <em>Estudia </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Estudiar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 3rd person singular <em>Ella </em>(She)
9. <em>Estudia </em>is the conjugated form of the verb <em>Estudiar </em>(to Take) in present indicative 3rd person singular <em>Ella </em>(She)