Shutting down factories that discharge materials to the rivers.
The largest sum of US pollution currently caused by factory-related substance
my pfp!
There are no known organisms because of the lack of sunlight necessary for photosynthesis to produce these organisms
The bathyal zone is less densely populated. Sunlight does not reach this zone, meaning primary production, if any, is almost nonexistent
The right answer is the chloroplast.
Autotrophic species must stock up on food in order to have energy at all times.
Plants, for example, through their chloroplasts make sugar with the energy of sunlight and from soil water and carbon dioxide from the air. This sugar synthesis using light is photosynthesis.
On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin also saw several different types of finch, a different species on each island. ... Finches that ate small nuts and seeds had beaks for cracking nuts and seeds. Darwin noticed that fruit-eating finches had parrot-like beaks, and that finches that ate insects had narrow, prying beaks.
The answer is d. Ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination.
There are 4 phases of the digestive system function:
1. Ingestion - the process of the food entering the mouth.
2. Digestion - the process of breaking the food into small particles.
3. Absorption - the process of the absorbing small food particles into the blood from the intestines.
4. Elimination - is the process of removing the waste out of the body.