The 1896 Supreme Court case which resulted in the "separate but equal" doctrine was Plessy v. Ferguson. Plessy v Ferguson allowed state-sponsored segregation in public facilities, such as bathrooms, public school and transportation. Even when this legislation was scrapped, there were groups in the South still fighting for it to be upheld.
Fascism is a complex ideology. There are many definitions of fascism; some people describe it as a type or set of political actions, a political philosophy or a mass movement. Most definitions agree that fascism is authoritarian and promotes nationalism at all costs, but its basic characteristics are a matter of debate.
Hitler believed in the Aryan race. He believed they were stronger, more successful, and just better in general. He wanted to rid the world of people who were not of this race, in order to create a "better" world.
D Rural areas traditionally have been inhabited by wealthy people who do not need benefits