As we all know Integumentary system as defined in Medical science is system of skin, hair, nails, glands and nerves. It helps to protect skin.
- Integumentary system makes up as barrier for our skin against external infections. It works with other systems of our body for proper internal functioning. The medical terms pertaining to Integumentary system are
- Dermatology- Derma means skin and logy means study. Dermatology is the study of skin related disorders.
- Dermatologist- health care professional expert in treating skin disorders.
- Dermis- Derm is skin and dermis is the layer of skin below epidermis containing blood vessels.
- Epidermis- Epi means upon. Epidermis is the topmost layer of the skin without any blood vessels.
- Melanin- Melan means black. Melanin with reference to Integumentary system refers to black pigment of skin or hair.
- Liposuction- Lipo means fat or adipose tissue and suction means removal or sucking out. Liposuction is medical procedure of sucking out excess fat.
- Carcinoma- Carci is cancer and oma is tumour. Carcinoma is cancer of skin cells.
- Keratin- Kerat is hard tissues or cells in skin. Keratin is a proteinaceous component of epidermis, hair and nails.
- Melanocytes- Melano is black and cyte means cells. Melanocytes are melanin producing cells in body.
- Lunula- Luna refers to moon. Lunula refers to the moon shaped areas at the base of the nails.
Yes it is true, i actually know from experience.
<span>A nutritionist or dietitian can provide an athlete with a customized menu or diet plan while they are training. Nutritionists and dietitians specialize in understanding food groups and their effects on the body. By knowing the goal of the athlete (i.e. slim down for running, bulk up for weight lifting), the nutritionist or dietitian can offer suggestions on foods to maintain a healthy lifestyle while building muscles.</span>
Not Donald Trump I can assure you
A, I hope this helps you out