The study of geography is important because it helps you learn about your surrounding area. Depending on where you live it might be ideal to know where there are hills and high elevations in case of extreme flooding. In that case you could easily get to some safety if you are on the road. If you hadn't know then you would be in a major predicament.
answer B
The land features depend on the geology , the climate of the earth and formation of land features is a continuos cycle it could alter from time ,not providing clear evidence about history of that specific area
to provide a reference system
The equator and prim meridian used on maps provides a reference system for determining location and navigating the earth.
- An equator is the only line of latitude that is a great circle.
- Prime meridian is a line of longitude that is 0°
- When both are used, they can form the basis of a reference system to determine places on earth.
- Using these lines, we can assign values of coordinates to the earth surface to facilitate location determination.
The equator and prime meridian are used on maps to provide a reference system.
I don't recommend this because i guessed.