Nixon administration dropped 100's of bombs on north Vietnamese for 11 days straight, then negotiations resumed, both agreed to end war and bring peace in Vietnam.
There should be no limits on owning and using guns
I am not entirely sure of this, but this is what I was taught.
Have a great day!
Manufacturing, and automated labor.
A lot of the jobs that required people to do things themselves have now been replaced by robots or by systems that require less people to operate. This can be seen heavily in the industrial revolution.
One difference discrimination
What I mean by this in 1954 the Brown V EDU was made and this was to desegregate the black and white community in school.
Which lead to the acts in 1957
In 1964 the people ended actual discrimination across the board. School, work, public place, transit, and anywhere you could think of.
This does not mean every one followed this type of stuff we have seen racist in modern society but a huge step for the black community