because Moby-D*ck is a senseless creature that acts out of instinct
Starbuck was the Pequod's chief mate (the second in command), and he openly opposed Ahab's quest for revenge. He was more worried about returning home with his family than risking the ship and its crew due to a maniacal desire for revenge. He considered the white whale to be just a brute animal without intelligence.
The paragraph that provides the best variety in sentence patterns is B. my cousin the one who lives in Japan just sent me a text message she is excited about traveling and mentioned she would like to see various places including New York and the Grand Canyon.
In this paragraph, the use of compound and complex sentences make it more varied than the other options. In the first sentence, the word <em>who</em> introduces a dependent clause within the main clause that is <em>my cousin sent me a text message.</em> The second sentence is a compound sentence since it contains two Verbal phrases, <em>mentioned and would like to see</em>, joined by the connector <em>and. </em>
Ummmmm okay? Do you not have a question or smth