Britain had prohibited the production of cannon in the colonies, and yet when the American rebellion broke out in April 1775, the Continental Navy seems to have had little trouble acquiring the 10 guns fitted out in its first ship, the procured merchant ship Black Prince rechristened Alfred, in October. The original source was, of course, arms stolen or captured. The greatest windfall for the fledgling Continental Army came on May 9, 1775, when Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen surprised and seized Fort Ticonderoga, after which John Knox transported them to Boston, where they made it possible to drive the British out in March 1776. Those guns were then adapted for a variety of uses, both on land or aboard ship. Another windfall occurred when Esek Hopkins, with Alfred and seven other ships as well as 200 Continental Marines, landed at Nassau in the Bahamas on March 3, 1776, secured the town the next day and spent the next two weeks gathering up all the guns and ammunition they could carry off. Throughout the war, the privateers as well as Continental Navy ships seized whatever British vessels they could overpower, motivated by a bounty on captured cannon from the Continental Congress. Such acquisitions went both ways, of course—whenever the Continental Army suffered a major defeat or a Continental ship was captured, the British often got some of their guns back.
The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage
The first American society dedicated to the cause of abolition, is founded in Philadelphia on April 14, 1775.
gun powder
<span>Janissaries</span> were loyal soldiers trained to use small arms. They were regarded the most loyal of the sultan troops, and were also highly trained and disciplined. These disciplined forces were unlike the disorganized soldiers of Anatolia who also did not have gunpowder reserves.
The ideas of the enlightenment lead to them foundation of Independence because it gave them hope to do something new
As you already know, Odysseus spent 10 years to be able to return home and to his family. This time generated a certain suffering for the hero, since he did not like having left his home and missed his wife and son very much.
In these 10 years, Odysseus spent 7 years being a prisoner of Calypso, a nymph who fell in love with him and imprisoned him. Odysseus was not to blame for Calypso's passion and reason for his imprisonment. The nymph kept him trapped in an attempt to seduce him, until Zeus ordered her to release him.
When he left the island of Calypso, however, Odysseus' actions were inconsequential and showed a certain irresponsibility. These actions provoked the wrath of Posseidon, which caused Odysseus to sink and further delay his return home. In this case, Odysseus was at fault and deserved to be punished for his actions.
Another event that brought sadness to Odysseus and of which he is to blame, was the death of several of his companions due to Odysseus' curiosity about the Cyclops.