Complex villages were at risk for diseases.
Complex villages had artisans with special skills.
Complex villages stored food in buildings.
The complex villages were well connected and functioned as towns (though smaller), so being linked with the surrounding area and beyond led to risks of diseases.
The complex villages had permanent buildings, so this statement is not correct.
Complex villages had people specialized in certain fields, thus they had artisans with special skills.
Complex villages worked in a hierarchical manner, so this statement is not correct.
Having a relatively large population in small area meant that larger amounts of food are needed, which is why the food was stored in buildings in the complex villages.
The correct answer is the following:
- The Decembrist Revolt, that occurred on December 25th of 1825 in St Petersburg was a dirrect effect of the people's discontent with the appointment of Nicholas I to the throne.
- The pogroms against Jews and persecution of other minorities were a direct consequence of the ethnic nationalistic policy introduced by Alexander III.
- The creation of the Duma and a Russian constitution was a consequence of a general strike that took part in most of Russia.
Similar to how the Declaration of Independence was written to free the American colonies from Great Britain and their ruler King George III, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was written to free them from King Louis XVI.
The Bill of Rights limited royal power, and the document itself listed many things a ruler couldn’t do. The Bill of Rights was drafted in 1689 by parliament, and it basically separated the laws