It is an ideal case of the Neoclassical style. Neoclassical design is a structural style delivered by the neoclassical development that started in the mid-eighteenth century. In its purest shape, it is a style chiefly got from the engineering of traditional artifact, the Vitruvian standards, and crafted by the Italian modeler Andrea Palladio.
That’s just your millennial snowflake brain being unable to comprehend real work. My grandpa lost both his thumbs to frostbite while walking 29.67 kilomiles to school in 10 feet of snow in the summer uphill both ways and he could still wield any tool known to man. And he did so for 83 and a half years until they forced him to retire because he was making all the other workers look like pansies. When he was told he was being forced to retire, he marched into the CEO’s office and declared “I’d rather be dead than a deadbeat.” Then he dropped dead on the spot. Now that’s loyalty!
B was recorded in 1925, a few decades before the others.
I believe the answer is “A fill”, I’m sorry if I’m wrong
The off-network syndication market was one of the primary factors in the rise of filmed episodic narrative programs.