Answer: Usually when you research, your teacher may ask what the URL ends with. If it ends in .com, it could potentially be a hazard due to the fact that anyone can make a .com website. But if you can back it up with facts and proof, it should be fine. On a research website, most people look for .org or .gov because those are official sites made by trusted people. Also, its nice to know so you can cite your sources.
Sorry but I'm useless here. I would better recommend you to contact Supreme essay service. Those guys are real professionals in writing. So you can definitely give them a try. Good luck!
"They gave the awards to the singer because of her beautiful voice."
or ...."The singer won the awards because of her beautiful voice"
Unrelenting and relentless
First let's define persistence. Then let's find the words that mean similar things to it.
Persistence - a quality that is someone continuing and trying to do something even though it is difficult or discouraged by others; not giving up
Basically, in simple terms, persistence means not giving up.
Unrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving up
nrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving upUnrelenting is a synonym to persistence.
relent - to stop or become less severe; to give up
Relentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving up
elentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving upRelentless is a synonym to persistence.
Yielding - giving way or stopping under pressure; to give up
Have a lovely rest of your day! :)