U-a representative democracy. It is a government by the people, because the president and members of Congress are elected.
M- is a federal republic. It is a federation of states.
C - runs a government that is a democracy with a prime minister. Also known as parliamentary democracy.
G - is an independent nation ran by a prime minister.
Process by which new rock is made from old rock; rock cycle
The rock cycle is a recycling process by which igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are produced, converted from one form to another and destroyed. The rock cycle is a continuous process that has been occurring throughout the history of the earth. The major processes of the rock cycle include sedimentation, crystallization, metamorphism and erosion.
Answer: Africa includes the rich source of water drainage in the form of rivers.
The course travelled by the major rivers in Africa are as follows:
1. Congo: Center to north and further to the Western region finally drains into the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Nile: Northeastern part to the North and then finally to the Mediterranean Sea.
3. Zambezi: South eastern to Indian Ocean.
4. Niger: West to the Guinea Gulf.
Answer: None, it would be 24 hours of darkness
This is because December 21st marks the astronomical start of winter for the northern hemisphere with the winter solstice. During this season the days are shorter than the nights, and as we get closer to the North Pole, we will have up to 24 hours of darkness.
That is why on December 21st, the sun is not visible for 24 hours and the next days (the closer it is to the north pole) it will stay that way. Therefore, the inhabitants of this area will have longer periods of darkness.
The mass movements are representing movements of large masses of soil, also including rocks, water, biomass in them. These movements though need certain natural conditions so that they can happen. For a mass movement to occur, there has to be a slope, and under the influence of the gravitation, once the conditions are right, there will be movement downward until it reaches a flatter spot. If the terrain is flat, then a mass movement can not occur, as the gravitation is pulling the material down, so it will not be able to move. Also, if the gravitation is lacking, the material will not move anywhere, as without gravitation, there will be no atmosphere, and without atmosphere, there will be no agents to cause the mass movement.