He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education. He is known for his abstract fish art. Jason Scarpace also goes by the name of J. Vincent Scarpace. J. Vincent Scarpace's original works can be found in both private and public collections world-wide, in over 40 different countries and in all 50 U.S. States.
Music is a big part of our everyday lives. You can call tapping your fingers music. Birds singing can also be music. Anything that involves sound can be music. Music is a part of everyone. Whether or not someone likes music or hates music, music is still a part of them.
Explanation: This can be used as the introduction, I got to go really soon sorry can't finish.
Look at the painting by Duchamp, entitled Nude Descending a
Staircase No.2 . The repetition and shifting diagonal lines creates a sense of mechanistic motion of a nude, with
superimposed facets, similar to motion pictures. It shows elements of both the
fragmentation and synthesis of the Cubists, and the movement and dynamism of
the Futurists.
This would’ve made more since if they put a ratio. You are playing 4 notes, starting on the and of 3 and ending with the downbeat of the next bar. That’s 4 8th notes in the space of 3 8th notes, commonly referred to as 4:3. In this case, the writer wrote the notes as 16ths instead of 8ths, but they fill the same space. Technically speaking, this is 4:6, or 4 16th notes in the space of 6 16th notes. Every tuplet has a ratio, whether the writer expressly puts that ratio or not. Common examples include Triplets = 3:2, 3 8th notes in the space of 2 8th notes Fivelets = 5:4, 5 notes in the space of 4, or 5:3, 5 notes in the space of 3. There are many others, but each time you see a tuplet, figure out how much space it takes up in the bar, figure out what the ratio should be, and remember to think of it as X notes in the space of Y notes.