This simulation will be done using Python programming language
# Program is written in Python
# Comments are used for explanatory purpose
# Program starts here
stringtocheck = open('PrideAndPrejudice.txt', encoding='utf-8').
#Split words
splitwords = np.array(string.split())
In []:
# Initialise trial simulation to 10000 in test variable
test = 10000
# Initialise diff to 0
diff = 0
# iterate for possible words in PrideAndPrejudice
for i in np.arange(test):
# search for 2 words
words = np.random.choice(splitwords, 2)
#implement the condition in hint above
iflen(words.item(0)) != len(words.item(1)) != len(words.item(2)) != len(words.item(0)):
#calcuate result
diff = diff + 1
num_different = diff/test
Akbar's reign significantly influenced the course of Indian history. During his rule, the Mughal Empire tripled in size and wealth.
sunny hype rainny sleepy and cloud bored
Faith Ringgold's god bless america differs from jasper johns flag as <span>it addresses racial tensions that spawned the Civil Rights movement
</span>Faith Ringgold's god bless america is a feminist artist who used art to illustrate the issues associated with being an african-american. <span>This painting represents the bigotry of the age.</span>