Option (C) Credentialing
Resource Management is the process which develop the resources of an organization in an efficient way to provide whenever required. The resources developed may contain inventory, human resource, information technology, natural resources and financial resources.
One of the activities of resource management is Credentialing.
Credentialing is the activity in the resource management that involves the activity of credentialing in order to verify that the qualified personnel has been identified and verified and is suitable for a particular position.
D. It governs how individuals can create new policies.
The rule of law is based on governments' compliance with the laws and regulations of a government. Therefore, a rule of law is the one that guarantees, from a democratically governed state and subject to the country's legislation, as the first foundation of its actions, the fulfillment of basic elements that promote a dignified life for all citizens.
In short, the rule of law states that all spheres of government are required to obey the laws and promote a good life for their citizens. This concept explains how government as individuals can create new policies, that is, under the rule of law, government can create new policies that are within national laws and improve the lives of the population.
Goodwill is a friendly or helpful attitude towards other people, countries, or organizations. I invited them to dinner, a gesture of goodwill. They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish. Synonyms: friendliness, favour, friendship, benevolence More Synonyms of goodwill.