The correct options are "They arrived in Europe and western Asia in prehistoric times. - Their warrior-kings established fortified city-states on the mainland."
The Mycenaean civilization developed in the pre-Hellenic period of the recent Heládico, that is to say, at the end of the Age of the Bronze, between 1600-1100 a. C. It represents the first advanced civilization of the Greek mainland with its palatial states, urban organization, works of art and writing system Among the centers of power that arose in its core were Pylos, Tirinto and Midea in the Peloponnese; Orchomenus, Thebes and Athens in Central Greece and Yolkus in Thessaly. However, the most interesting city was Mycenae, located in the Argolid, and that gives name to all this civilization. The settlements influenced by Mycenae have also appeared in Epirus, Macedonia, Anatolia, the Mediterranean Levant, Cyprus and Italy.