The correct answer is C. Simile.
A simile is the name of a rhetorical figure that consists of highlighting the similarity between one element and another, to attribute to the first characteristics of the second. According to this definition in the sentence "And closest contact with the human is like a lantern shining in the night" because it highlights the similarity between two events such as human contact and a lantern shining at night by using the word like. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Simile.
well i like to dress up lol
Roasted chicken taste better without any sauce because it sets off an explosive mouth watering experience. I hope this works!
In academic writing, the writer's aim is to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence. It is that type of writing where the writer is expected to produce a paper in response to a question or a topic based on the content the writer would have learnt in an academic setting like a college or a university.
When you study at university in Britain you will need to produce written assignments. You can expect assignments to be set and marked by your tutors on a regular basis. These pieces of written work, often together with examinations, will be used to assess you on your course.
Producing academic written work in English can be demanding and will require careful management of your time. There may be differences from how you have done this before in your home country. You can prepare yourself better for writing academic assignments in English if you know what differences to expect.
This activity will help you to recognise any differences between the kind of academic writing that you may have produced before and the kind that you will be asked to produce at a British university. It will also give suggestions for how to prepare yourself for academic writing before you arrive in the UK.
Dear Yale,
Can you please give me a tour of the school. Can you tell me the classes, you are teaching.