Once upon a time a king had announced that anyone who wanted the post of personal assistant must meet him. Many people gathered in the palace. The king led them to a pond and said, "Whoever will fill this pond's water in this pot will be chosen for the post. But remember, there is a hole in the pot."
So some people left without a single try. While some people tried to once and then said, "The king has already chosen someone else. Let's go."
But one man kept filling the pot with pond water patiently. He filled the water in the pot from the pond and came out of the ground. But always within a few moments, the water poured on the ground completely. He tried that uncountable number of times. At last, the pond became empty. The man found a diamond ring in the empty pond and he gave it to the king. At this, the king said, "This ring is a reward for your patience and hard work. You are fit for the job. "So the man confirmed that patience pays.
The answer for your question is b. The other answers have errors
I'd say fast
The tone is urgent and urgency is usually fast paced
Hope this helps :/
The inference is that the sentence that conveys Europeans' impact on the prairie is that they uses the hides for their clothing and supplemented their diets with native plants.
<h3>What is an inference?</h3>
An inference simply mean the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in a literary work.
In this case, the inference is that the sentence that conveys Europeans' impact on the prairie is that they uses the hides for their clothing and supplemented their diets with native plants.
Learn more about inference on:
The sentence that uses omission correctly is:
C. One serious omission in the team list was the name of the coach.
<u>Omission is a noun</u>, which allows us to eliminate option B since the sentence is using it as a verb. <u>Omission means failing to include something or someone. When you omit, you leave out, you exclude</u>. Having that meaning in mind, we can easily eliminate options A and D, since the context in those two sentences does not allow for the use of omission.
<u>Letter C is the best option. It uses omission as the noun it is, and the context and the meaning are a match. According to the sentence, leaving the name of the coach out of the team list was a serious mistake.</u>