destriot historical society
Aristotle believed that man could achieve happiness by working on and developing the things unique to his nature, which he specifically believed to be thought and reason. Humans, at least in the time of Aristotle, were the only things capable of complex thought.
Oil-based economy refers to the world's dependency on petroleum, natural gas and coal for energy. Electricity, diesel fuel, gasoline and kerosene are only some of the commodities that are provided by oil. However, there are negative effects of the processing to the environment. Combustion of oil by cars yield sulfur oxides, nitric oxides and carbon dioxide that participate in ozone depletion and global warming. Therefore, the more-developed nations are working on better technologies to harness renewable energy for sustainability. These energy refer to solar, hydropower, wind, and tidal resources. As of now, there are problems on the cost of developing and perfecting these technologies to maximize the energy source. Unfortunately, if the world shifts to the clean energy-economy, the less developed countries would have to catch up a great deal. These equipment are quite expensive, so for a time-being, only the more developed countries would participate and earn from it.