Ocean and land both inhabit animals.
Water technically lies on land.
There are some animals that have not yet been discovered on land and in the ocean.
The ocean has not all been discovered
Land is solid, ocean is not.
A metaphor?? Not sure what this was to be
Blake describes wandering 'thro' each charter'd street'. ... In Blake's 'London' even the beauty and anarchy of nature are subjected to political control. The regular iambic rhythm continually exemplifies the unavoidable, imprisoning influence of society, which haunts not only nature, but the citizens of London.
This is a debatable topic and there are many claims/arguments that both sides can use, thus this is more reliant on the speaker's opinion. For example: It is more difficult to keep bias out of video because the video shows an like a car crash and it is blatantly obvious this "x" was at fault for the car crash. Or it is not harder but the same because the vocabulary and wording can be manipulated in ways to imply a different story than what has truly transpired. It is just pretty much up to you.